Pseudoscience Q’s

Pseudoscience Task

Walt: Find and link information across a range of texts



Work on this Doc together with a partner.


What was the author’s main message in pseudoscience

That you shouldn’t believe everything you see on tv, this text tells you that you should look into the subject (For example ribena) instead of believe that it has four times as much vitamin c than in oranges you should look into it and experiment it  


What are some of the differences between scientists and advertisers?

Scientists Advertisers
They do more research and look into the subject They don’t tell the full story and don’t look into if they are right or not
The tell you the truth They tell lies so you can buy their product


Write 3 sentences explaining something new you’ve learned from this reading. 

I learnt what pseudoscience means, it means that people usually bend the truth by saying that something (like carrots) can help you see in the dark, but carrots don’t help they are just good for your eyes. Also talking about carrots, i learnt carrots do not help you see in the dark, i’m dumb and i thought they did. Last thing is that ribena got sued for misleading information and saying something that wasn’t true


True or False

Statement True/False Slide/Page Number Evidence
A pseudonym is a false name True 3 In the text it says “a pseudonym is a false name that people use”
Blackcurrants have vitamin D False  3 In the text it says “blakccurrants are high in vitamin C” but never talked about vitamin D
Flavanols help people remember things False 4 The text says it helps older people not all people
Scientists critique each other True 5 Scientists do this to make sure they are telling the truth
Carrots have vitamin A True 6 The text says it has vitamin A
Carrots help us see in the dark False 6 Carrots do have vitamin A but it’s just good for the eyes and cannot help you see in the dark

Today in reading we had to answer some qestion about what we learnt in the book pseudoscience. this task is fun

Rust task

Fast Rust Task



Work on this Doc together with a partner.


What 3 ingredients are needed for rust to occur.

Steal Oxygen Salt water


Write a brief paragraph explaining the rusting process (why rusting occurs)

When the oxygen from the air mixes with the water and goes onto the surface of the iron nail it reacts with the oxygen that is mixed with the water it makes iron oxide, when the iron oxide reacts with the water it becomes, hydrated iron oxide, which forms into the red stuff that we know called rust, this process continues until the whole thing rusts 


How could you prevent something from rusting?

You can use paint to stop the rust, because it puts a layer between the steal and the iron oxide, that’s why they use it for the harbor bridge, but you can also use oil which will keep rust of bike chains 


Write 3 sentences explaining something new you’ve learned from this reading.

Something new that I read from the text was that the harbor bridge uses 3 layers of paint just to keep the steel from rusting. I also learnt how steel rusts, it is because of the water and the oxygen that mixes together. The last thing is that, i now know that rust can be slowed down if you use a couple layers of paint


Write down any new words you found in Fast Rust or the article about rust. Make sure you learn what the word means and write down a definition you understand for each new word.

Word Definition
Corrosion A breaking down of materials due to a chemical action like rusting.
compound A combination of two elements combined to make 2 elements 
rate The speed at what something happens
Sacrificial  For something to be used up or destroyed in fulfilling a purpose or function
Alloy  Any type of metal that is mixed with a chemical to make it stronger 
Decays  Something that with some time will slowly break down until it is all gone
Galvanizing Covering something with zinc to protect it from rusting 
Zinc  This thing is used on metal because It has strong anticorrosive properties and bonds well with other metals
Molecules  A group of atoms formed together 
Iron oxide This is a chemical that is mixed with metal and oxygen

Today in reading we read a book about rust, then we did this task where we had to answer some question, then write down words and write the definition of the word. overall this task was some what hard, but fun to do