Month: June 2023

Extension work

Today during extension we were tasked to be a fashion designer in a country of our choice and a occasion of our choice. The country that I have chosen was egypt and the occasion that I have chosen was a funeral. What I have done in this image was I used the colours that are appropriate during a funeral in egypt. I haven’t finished this task yet but I hope I can finsh it before the end of the term.

Dawn raid

Today we did our task on dawn raid. We had to read the story first then we had to write the answer. this was challenging because the story was 16 pages long. But I pushed through and finished the task.


Today in maths we did frations, decimals and percentages. I worked on this task with my friend Toa and with his brain and mine we were able to complete this task.


Today in extension we did a project about a Country and a speical occasion. For the country I decided to choose egypt, egypt is located in the northeastern corner of africa. and for the occasion I choose a funeral, Because they are traditional in egypt